Tween Brands验厂供应商行为守则


Tween Brands Inc.
Code of Conduct
Tween Brands 行 为 守 则


     Tween Brands Inc. is committed to socially responsible business practices and to ensure that Tween Brands products are produced under safe, lawful, humane and ethical conditions.
     Tween Brands Inc.致力以合乎社会责任的方针营运,并确保 Tween Brands产品在安全、合法 、合乎人道及道德的情况下生产。

     Tween Brands strongly encourages our suppliers to exceed the requirements of this Code of Conduct and promote best practices and continuous improvement throughout their factories.
     Tween Brands积极鼓励我们的供应商超越此行为守则的标准,并于其工厂提倡最佳业务实践及持续改进。

     While Tween Brands recognizes that there are different legal and cultural environments in which factories operate throughout the world, this Code of Conduct sets forth the basic minimum requirements all factories must meet in order to do business with Tween Brands.
     Tween Brands认同工厂于世界各地在文化及法律上的差异,此行为守则列出了所有工厂作为 Tween Brands业务伙伴必须符合的最低基本要求。

     This Code of Conduct applies to all factories that produce goods for Tween Brands Inc. or any of its agents.
     此行为守则适用于生产 Tween Brands Inc.产品的所有工厂或代理商。


一、Laws and Regulations 法律及法规

Tween Brands vendors/factories must operate in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂的营运必须完全符合该国家的法律及法规。


二、Child Labor  Tween Brands验厂-童工

Tween Brands vendors/factories must not employ workers younger than the greater of 15 years of age, or 14 where the local law allows such exception consistent with International Labor Organization guidelines, or the age for completing compulsory education, or the minimum age established by law in the country of the manufacture.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂不得雇用 15岁以下,低于完成国家规定强制教育年龄或低于当地最低工作年龄要求的员工。于符合当地法律及国际劳工组织指引的情况下,Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂不得雇用 14岁以下的员工。

In addition, Tween Brands vendors/factories must comply with all legal requirements for the work of authorized young workers, particularly those pertaining to hours of work, wages, and working conditions.
另外, Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须遵守获授权的未成年工工作的法律规定, 包括工作时间, 薪金及工作条件。


三、Forced Labor 强迫劳工

Tween Brands vendors/factories must not use involuntary of forced labor, whether indentured, bonded, prison or otherwise.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂不得使用非自愿的强迫劳工,包括契约工、奴役工、囚工等。


四、Wages and Benefits 工资及福利

Tween Brands vendors/factories must pay workers at least the minimum compensation required by local law and provide all legally mandated benefits. In addition to their compensation for regular hours of work, workers must be compensated for overtime hours at such premium rate as is legally required or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at least equal to their regular hourly compensation rate.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须至少根据当地法律支付员工最低工资及提供所有法律规定的福利。 除按正常工作时间支付工资外, Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须按照当地法律要求的加班工资率支付加班费。 如工厂所在的国家并无加班工资率的法律要求,Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须至少以正常工作时间的工资率支付加班费。


五、Hours of Work  Tween Brands验厂-工作时间

Tween Brands vendors/factories must ensure that, except in extraordinary business circumstances, on a regularly scheduled basis, workers shall (1) not be required to work more than the lesser of (a) sixty (60) hours per week,including overtime; or (b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of manufacture. In addition, except in extraordinary business circumstances, all workers shall be entitled to at least one day off in every consecutive seven-day period.
除了在特别的经营情况外,Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须确保于正常工作安排的基础上,员工每周工作不超过六十 (60) 小时(包括加班); 或工厂所在的国家的法定正常及加班时间限制。此外, 除了在特别的经营情况外,所有员工每连续工作七天应享有至少一天休息日。


六、Health and Safety 健康及安全

Tween Brands vendors/factories must provide their workers with a clean, safe, and healthy work environment in compliance with all applicable, legally mandated standards for workplace health and safety in the countries in which they operate. This includes residential facilities, if applicable.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须提供一个清洁、安全及健康的工作环境, 并确保工作环境符合该国家有关工作场所安全与健康的法定标准。此要求亦包括宿舍设施(如适用)。


七、Nondiscrimination 不歧视

While Tween Brands recognizes and respects cultural differences, Tween Brands Inc. vendors/factories must ensure employment – including hiring, remuneration, benefits, advancement, termination and retirement – is based on ability and not on belief or any other personal characteristics.
Tween Brands 认同并尊重各地在文化的差异,同时 Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须确保雇佣 - 包括招聘、报酬、福利、升迁、终止合约及退休 - 是根据工作能力而非基于信仰、理念或其它个人特征。

八、Women’s Rights 妇女的权利

Tween Brands vendors/factories will ensure women workers receive equal treatment in all aspects of the employment.Pregnancy tests will not be a condition of employment, and pregnancy testing– to the extent provided – will be voluntary and the option of the worker. In addition, workers will not be forced to use contraception.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂应确保妇女工作者在雇佣所有方面获得同等待遇。怀孕测试不应是决定雇佣的条件, 怀孕测试 - 如有提供 - 需由员工自愿选择。此外, 员工不应被迫使避孕。


九、Harassment 骚扰

Tween Brands vendors/factories must treat all workers with respect and dignity. No worker shall be subject to corporal punishment, physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. In addition, Tween Brands vendors/factories will not use monetary fines as a disciplinary practice.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须尊重员工,并确保员工享有尊严。所有员工不应被处以体罚及遭受暴力、性、心理或言语上的骚扰或虐待。此外,Tween Brands的供应商/工厂不应实施罚款作为纪律惩戒。


十、Freedom of Association结社自由

Tween Brands vendors/factories must recognize and respect the right of workers to exercise lawful right of free association, including joining or not joining any association.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须认同及尊重员工行使结社自由的合法权利, 包括加入或不加入任何组织。


十一、Environment  Tween Brands验厂-环境保护

Tween Brands vendors/factories must comply with all local environmental laws applicable to the workplace.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须遵守所有当地有关工作场所的环境保护法律。


十二、Subcontracting 分包商

Tween Brands vendors/factories must not use subcontractors in the manufacture of Tween Brands products or product components without Tween Brands Inc. written approval, and only after the subcontractor has agreed to comply with this Code of Conduct.
Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂于未获得 Tween Brands Inc.书面同意,并于分包商同意遵守此行为手则前,不得使用分包商生产 Tween Brands的产品或部件。


十三、Communication 沟通

Tween Brands Inc. vendors/factories must communicate this Code and the provisions to workers and supervisors.
Tween Brands Inc.的供应商/工厂必须与员工及管理人员沟通此行为守则及有关条文。

十四、Monitoring and Compliance 监督及符合性

Tween Brands will undertake affirmative measures, such as announced and unannounced on-site inspections of production facilities, to monitor compliance with the Code of Conduct. Tween Brands vendors/factories must maintain on site all documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the Code of Conduct, and vendors/factories must allow Tween Brands representatives full access to production facilities, worker records and worker for confidential interviews in connection with monitoring visits.
Tween Brands 将采取积极的措施,如预先通知及未预先通知的生产场所现场检查,以监督与此行为守则的符合性。Tween Brands 的供应商/工厂必须于现场保留有关文件作为其遵守此行为守则的依据, 并允许 Tween Brands的代表于生产场所进出与现场检查相关的区域、取得员工纪录及与员工进行私密性面谈。

Tween Brands vendors/factories are expected to take necessary corrective actions to promptly resolve any noncompliance. Tween Brands reserves the right to terminate its business relationship with any vendors/factories that are unwilling to comply with this Code.
Tween Brands期望供应商/工厂迅速地采取改善计划以符合此行为手则。 Tween Brands保留与任何不愿意遵守此行为守则的供应商/工厂终止贸易关系的权利。


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