Big Time验厂工厂的社会责任和环境审核问卷


Big Time验厂工厂的社会责任和环境审核问卷
A. Policies, Procedures, and Record Retentions 政策,程序,和记录的保留
1.  Does the factory maintain written policies and procedures that ensure adherence to all elements of the Standards
1.1  Does the factory must maintain current copies of all applicable laws and regulations related to the provisions of the Standards
1.2  Does the factory have a mechanism to obtain updated information related to all applicable laws and regulations related to the provisions of the Standards
1.3  Does the factory maintain personnel files for all current and former employees. Records, for former employees should be retained for a period consistent with payroll record - see below for Personnel files for each employee should include the following:
   * Proof of age
   * proof of citizenship or work permit (where necessary by law)
   * Medical records (where necessary by law)
   * Employment contract (where necessary by law)
   * Termination letter (where necessary by law)
   * record of disciplinary actions
   * Authorization for all voluntary deductions 
1.4  Does the factory have a set of rules and regulations certified by the department of labor ( applies to according to laws in country)
1.5  Does factory communicate rules , regulations which also include disciplinary procedures and practices to the employees ( i.e. bulletin boards)
1.6  Do terms of probationary periods been outline for employee employment contact and personnel file?
1.7  Do all necessary documentation to assess compliance with standards maintained onsite of factory? Which include payroll, time, piece rate records for at least 1 yr period?

B. Child Labor 童工
1.  Are there findings of child labor? If so continue to the below questions
1.1  How many employees were found to be under the age limit (according to local and government laws)?
1.2  Are all documentation filed for all employees in the factory? I.e. name, birth, age, proof of age/id
1.3  Are there findings of any minors working in hazardous job positions?
1.4  If minors or children are in factory , are there nursery or a area located for the children to be away from harmful material , or near production areas?

C. Labor Policy  Big Time验厂劳动政策

1.  Was there evidence of force labor or employment?
1.2  was there evidence of prisoners working at the factory?
1.3  Was employee freedom of movement restricted?
1.4  Did factory have original copies of employees government issue ID or travel documents in holding? Keeping from workers leaving?
1.5  Was there disciplinary deduction from pay found?
1.6  Was there evidence of corporal punishment or abuse practices?
1.7  Were all implementation decisions based on ability?
1.8  Was pregnancy testing done to keep the job or keep job?
1.9  Was contraceptive made available for employees?
   * If yes, were they forced to use?

D. Wages and Benefits: 工资和福利

1.  Were wages paid at minimum wage according to local and government laws? (this does not include bonus, attendance , production based)
1.1  Was piece rate workers garneted at least minimum wage which is followed by local and government laws? (this does not include bonus, attendance , production based)
1.2  Was workers fully compensated for all overtime hours according to local laws and government?
1.3  Were they paid in timely and regular manner?
1.4  Were any waged held for no reasons?
1.5  Is there a person or place where employees can go question wages paid and possible adjustment to their pay ?
1.6  Do factory maintain and monitor true and accurate records of hours and wages? Includes Payroll, Time records , piece rates and paystubs?
*Payroll Register
a. Normal rate compensation maintained?
b. Overtime rate compensation maintained?
c. Wage computation for entitled benefits? I.e.: holiday pay, yearly vacation, sick days

*Time Records
a. is it automated? Punch cards ?
b. Do employee punch or clock there own time cards?
c. Do all times in and out recorded? I.e. if goes for lunch?

*Piece rate records
a. who keeps records of piece rates?
b. do employee track own piece rates?

a. do they show normal work hours?
b. are overtime listed?
c. are gross wages shown?
d.Net wages shown?
e.bonus shown?
f.Authorized deductions shown?
1.7   Do they have document to support if employee agreements if applicable to pay deductions from pay ? I.e. a consent form?
1.8  Do factory abide by all local and government laws for paid vacation holidays, benefits etc?

E. Working Hours: 工作时间
1. Are work hours posted for employees to view?
1.1  Do they follow local and government laws of determined work hours?
1.2  Are overtime hours posted for employees to view?
1.3  Do they follow local and government laws of overtime work?
1.4  Do employee get one day off a week? (if applicable)
1.5  Are work hours reordered properly? Include time in and out, with meals times, person in charge keeping clear and accurate times?

F. Work Environment  Big Time验厂工厂工作环境
1. Are there findings of any harassment made?
1.1   Are there any physical ,verbal or mental abuse found?
1.2   Does factory provide training on health and safety?
1.3   If required by national or local laws , do they have a medical care department available on site?
1.4   Are first aid kit properly fitted with the needed supplies for employee use?
1.5   are factory workers properly suited for safety equipment i.e. masks, gloves , etc ? Are they free of charge?
1.6  Are records of injuries or accident recorded?
1.7  Are there restrictions to bathroom breaks?
1.8  Are there appropriate amount of bathrooms for employee usage?
1.9  Are bathrooms clean, sanitary and stocked with necessary supplies?

2.Are drinking sources i.e. water available to employees?
2.1   Are rest breaks provide for workers?
2.2  Does cafeteria (if applicable) sanitary and food stored safety ?
2.3   Is lighting and proper ventilation available in needed areas?
2.4  Are aisles marked and free from obstruction?
2.5  Are electronic wiring safe?
2.6  Are all electrical control panels marked and machine guards placed if necessary?
2.7  Area adequate number of fire extinguisher located around factory?
2.8  Are fire extinguishers mounted on the walls are proper height?
2.9  Are employees properly trained to use fire extinguishers?

3. Are fire extinguishers properly charged and routine checked?
3.1  fire exited adequately marked around factory?
3.2  Are fire exits locked or block from obstruction?
3.3  Are evacuation plans posted and marked through factory for employees?
3.4   Are evacuation plans posted throughout factory?
3.5  Are evacuation drills conducted on a regular basis ? ( at least 2 times a year)
3.6  are these drills recorded?
3.7  Are inventory maintained of hazardous chemical ?
3.8   Do they have secondary containment for All hazardous chemicals?
3.9   Do dormitories provided for employees up to all health and safety requirements?

G. Environmental 环境
1.Does factory maintain copies of mandatory permits and certificates necessary to demonstrate compliance with local and government environmental regulations?
1.1 Are all wastes properly disposed? Such as liquids, solids, airborne?

H Other:
1 Are unauthorized outside contracted factories used to product items for BTP found? This includes assembly in peoples homes


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WRAP认证分为白金、黄金和银级证书;获得每个级别证书都有一定的要求以及一些WRAP认证决不能出现的不符合,以下分别进行说明: 白金证


工厂如果要申请BSCI验厂,必须有几个条件 1.您的客户必须是BSCI的会员之一,目前BSCI有800名左右的会员(截止2012年8月


迪斯尼FAMA产生的背景和作用 主要是现在出于全球反恐的考虑,美国是不允许


图文详解Sedex的供应商如何登陆系统发布自己的Sedex验厂报告: 1) 首先登录系统:https://sedexadvan


引申:房产证能代替建筑工程验收合格证吗? 房产证是指权属人通过自建、交易取得建筑的合法所有权,可依法对建筑行使占有、使用、收益和处分的


●建筑工程消防验收总结: 1)针对劳动密集型企业,总建筑面积超过2500平方米的生产加工车间,总建筑面积超过1000平方米的宿舍楼,需


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