Concept 4验厂所需文件
C 4验厂审核清单
一、人事,工资和福利 Personnel, Wages and Benefits
1. 工商营业执照 Business Registration
2. 工卡或考勤记录 (过去十二个月) Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 Months)
3. 工资表 (过去十二个月) Payroll Records (Last 12 months)
4. 人事花名册及员工个人档案 Personnel Records
5. 劳动合同 Labor Contract
6. 社会保险收据、花名册及合格证明文件等 Receipt, Name List and Certificate of Social Insurance, Etc.
7. 纪律处罚措施及投诉记录 Disciplinary Measures and Appeal Records
8. 请假记录 Leave records
(1) 病假 Sick leave
(2) 事假 Personal leave
(3) 产假 Maternity leave
(4) 年假 Annual leave
9. 厂规或员工手册 Factory Regulation or Employee Handbook
10. 政府有关当地最低工资规定文件 Local Minimum Wage Standard
11. 当地劳动局关于延长加班之批文 Official Waiver for Overtime Extension
12. 未成年工名单,体检及劳动局登记记录 Young Workers’ Name List, Health Examination and Registration Records
13. 培训纪录 Training records
14. 工会或工人代表/委员会 Trade Union or Worker Committee
二、健康安全 Health and Safety
1. 安全政策
Health and Safety Policy
2. 健康安全委员会,安全代表, 安全委员会的会议记录及义务消防队
Health and Safety Committee, and Fire Brigade
3. 消防检查报告或合格証明文件
Fire Safety Inspection or Certificate
4. 消防演习记录、紧急疏散计划 (包括宿舍)
Fire Drill Record, Emergency Evacuation Plan
5. 设备安全许可证 (如电梯使用许可証, 厨房卫生许可证等)
Facilities Safety Operation Certificate, Such as Lift Operation License Hygiene Certificate and Cookers’ Health Certificate
6. 特种工人上岗(如电梯工, 电工, 厨工卫生许可证等)
Operation Certificate of Special Operators, Such as Lift Operator, Electrician.
Cooks’ Health Certificate. Etc.
7. 急救 First Aid
(1) 急救记录和急救员证书 First Aid Training and Certificate of First Aid Responder
(2) 工伤事故记录及调查程序 Work Accident Records, Work-related Injury Record and Investigation Procedure
8.劳动保护用品 PPE records
9. 机器设备安全 Machine
(1) 设备维修维护记录 Maintenance records
(2) 断针记录 Broken needle records
10. 化学品的管理 Chemicals Management
(1) 物质资料安全数据表 MSDS
(2) 化学品库存清单 Stock Control List
(3) 化学品使用人员的健康体检 Health Examination Records for workers involved in chemicals
(4) 废品管理(分包商)和回收利用 waste management and recycling
三、环境保护 Environment
1. 环境保护方面的政府批文 Discharge of pollutant (waster water, air-pollutant etc) approval
2. 环保政策 environment policy
四、其他文件 other related document (根据审核情况所需)